ArchLinux Desktop in 2021

After totally transfer Operating System of my home desktop from Windows back to Arch Linux, it has been about 3 months. Although I have tried to go back to Windows once for gaming experiences, the general experiences in other usage was uncomfortable, so just 2 days after I went back to Arch Linux.

This post is just for a simple memory.

The applications I am using for daily usage are as below:

For window manager i use dwm. It’s just because of the Stack tilling logic comparing to i3 and ease of install and configuration comparing to Xmonad. Patching dwm is the thing I mostly don’t want to do for using it. However, thanks to the bakkeby/dwm-flexipatch Repo on Github, this also becomes easy.

I use the built-in status bar of dwm. Also thanks to the Repo dwm-flexipatch, the issue of confliction of alpha and systray was perfectly solved, and plus the autostart patch, it is a just status bar providing enough information and functions for normal use.

The same as dwm, for terminal I also use the solution provided by However, for st I would like to recommend patching it manually by yourself. What’s more, I choose nord color theme for st.

  • file manager: ranger
  • screenshot: flameshot
  • game: Lutris, steam
  • browser: librewolf
  • text editor: neovim
  • shell: zsh
  • dynamic menu: dmenu
  • notification: dunst
  • password manager: pass
  • cloud storage & sharing: Nextcloud
  • email: neomutt + isync + msmtp + notmuch +abook (easy installationa and configuration with mutt-wizard by Luke Smith)
  • RSS: newsboat

By the way, I don’t use a display manager to login into X. I configured the .zprofile to let it auto run startx after login on tty.

All of them are easy-to-config software, especially if you are a programmer. However, because many of them are terminal-based software, if you are also a non-programmer like me and have any questions, Arch Wiki and Youtube will help you solve almost all problems.

Enjoy the Linux!